Rating: ⭐⭐✨⬜⬜
Title: Lore
Author: Alexandra Bracken
Genre: YA Fiction/ YA Fantasy
Author Info: She/Her
Setting: Astoria, Oregon
Month Read: January, 2021
Book Type: Hardcover
Publication: 2021
Anxiety/ Grief/ Death/ Gun Violence/ Abduction/ Trauma
“Sometimes you just have to survive to fight another day.”
― Alexandra Bracken, Lore
No Spoiler Summary:
Every 7 years the Agon begins in a location (New York City in this particular novel) where 9 Greek Gods must roam as humans, and try not to get murdered by those looking to take over as them and get their powers and immortality.
The Agon is a punishment from Zeus for previous betrayals, and Lore would like nothing more than to keep her head down and stay out of it. Years prior her entire famiy was brutally murdered, and Lore struggles with the grief, guilt, and sadness over the loss of her parents and siblings.
In an unexpected turn, those Lore loved in another life return to get her help in the Agon, and a goddess also expects Lore's help in return for her allegiance.
What will diving back into her past cost Lore? How will she ever be able to live a full life knowing all that had been stolen from her? Who does Lore want to be? Will she take the plunge and bind her fate to the goddesses? Will she help her childhood friend so they can end the Agon once and for all?
I'm not typically one who enjoys disliking a book, or writing a bad review, but wow--- this book was really hard to get through. I'm wondering if diving into another Greek mythology themed novel right after the Percy Jackson series was a bad idea- or if it's because Circe and Song of Achilles last year has put me into a slump regarding the similar themes?
Maybe it was just 100 or so pages longer than it needed to be. I think there were a lot of great ideas, and I was SO excited to read this- but who knows what happened.
I wanted to love Lore, as much as I have loved other books by Alexandra Bracken (Passenger- duology-- amazing read!) I felt like this book had flat characters, a dragging plot, and not enough action or romance to really carry me through.
I wanted to FEEL something for the characters, but ultimately only precious angel baby Miles escaped this book with my heart. I wanted the ending we should have gotten, versus the one we did- but I know this is likely an unpopular opinion. I won't say any more so I don't delve into spoilers territory, but I was disappointed to say the least.
If there is a sequel (not sure if one has been mentioned) I'm not sure I'd pick it up. I feel like I got what I needed through this character arc, but theoretically we could have another one in the next Agon in 7 years.
If you loved this book- let me know! What worked for you? I'd love to hear about it and have a chat. If you didn't- what did it for you?
There are two or three other Greek Mythology based books I'm looking forward to this year, so I'm gonna take a break for a bit before I read "A Thousand Ships" by Natalie Haynes being one of them.
Greek Mythology:
The Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan
Song of Achilles and Circe by Madeline Miller
Acton Packed Fantasy YA:
Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas
Renegades series by Marissa Meyer
Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard
"Some people get so used to looking out at life from the edge of their cage that they stop seeing the bars."