Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Title: Morgan Is My Name
Author: Sophie Keetch
Genre: Fantasy
Setting: Old England (Camelot, etc)
Month Read: June 2023 / October 2022
Book Type: E-Arc
Publication: June 2023
Publisher: Penguin Random House Canada
Pages: 304
*Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Random House Canada for the E-Arc. This has in no way, shape, or form influenced my review which is solely my own.
Misoginy, Magic, Abuse (Physical, Verbal), Rape, Death, Murder
No Spoiler Summary:
An atmospheric, feminist retelling of the early life of famed villainess Morgan le Fay, set against the colourful chivalric backdrop of Arthurian legend.
When King Uther Pendragon murders her father and tricks her mother into marriage, Morgan refuses to be crushed. Trapped amid the machinations of men in a world of isolated castles and gossiping courts, she discovers secret powers. Vengeful and brilliant, it's not long before Morgan becomes a worthy adversary to Merlin, influential sorcerer to the king. But fighting for her freedom, she risks losing everything – her reputation, her loved ones and her life.
I'M BLOWN AWAY BY HOW MUCH I LOVED THIS BOOK. I didn't know I'm as into Arthurian Legend as I am reading this, and couldn't put it down for the (2) days it took me to read this absolutely beautiful book. Morgan is such a nuanced, layered character and you can't help but wholeheartedly root for her the entire book. Every time she is met with injustice, abuse, or another one of Uther's schemes, she rises to the challenge and bests him with her spirit, body, and mind.
I loved the twists and turns the novel takes you on, especially with characters you think you know. I'm not going to spoil anything, but every time I felt I had this book figured out it took me somewhere different and I was on a wild ride for 300+ pages. Another thing I loved about this book is that it was 300 pages, and not 500, 700, or 900 like most fantasy books have decided they need to do. It shows what a talented author Sophie Keetch is where she didn't need more time to get a beautiful story, and large cast of characters across to the reader. I cannot wait for the other 2 books in this trilogy.
Another wonderful thing about this book was how insanely evil the villain is. He's just a man, but my hatred for him just SEETHED every time he entered a room. If anyone deserves a fate worse than death, it is Uther Pendragon. What an absolutely horrific man. I love a good villain, and Uther delivered on every page.
If you want a fresh, shorter, feminist historical fantasy novel I cannot recommend Morgan Is My Name enough. I feel like I'll be thinking about this book for a long time, and will be insufferable in my recommendations of it. Please read this book, you will not recommend a second of it.
Feminist Historical Fantasies:
Circe by Madeline Miller
Ariadne - Jennifer Saint
Fantasy Novels:
Red Queen Series by Victoria Aveyard
Court of Lions by Somaiya Daud