Rating: ⭐⭐✨⬜⬜
Title: Hello Girls
Author: Emily Henry and Brittany Cavallaro
Genre: YA Fiction
Author Info: She / Her
Setting: Michigan, USA
Month Read: June 2021
Book Type: Paperback
Publication: 2019
Pages: 325
Child Abuse / Substance Use / Sexual Themes / Murder
"There was a bite in the air she didn't associate with summer; summer meant mosquitos by the lake and trying to breathe through the pea-soup humidity."
No Spoiler Summary:
Hello Girls is a coming of age novel between two unlikely friends, Winona and Lucille. Winona is a rich girl, the textbook definition of a perfect daughter, child of the beloved local weatherman and her dead mother. Lucille is poor, living with her struggling-to-get-by Mother, and her drug dealer brother.
The novel is a Thelma and Louise-esque portrait of two girls escaping the lives the can no longer live in, and trying to find something new and bettwe somewhere else. It's time to go to Vegas with as much cash they can scrounge up, and a stolen convertible.
I absolutely love both Emily Henry & Brittany Cavallaro, but for some reason this book just didn't do it for me. I loved the dialogue, and the characters were fun- but I just wished the serious things were more serious, and the fun things were more fun. I also got the most lesbian vibes ever from this book, but alas, it was never seen through.
I don't want to spoil anything for sure, but the ending was tragically unfulfilling. I don't necessarily need bows tied at the ends of books, but I felt like it just sort of... ended. I guess I might have had expectations that were way too high, especially since I've never read any of Emily's YA offerings, and only the *perfect* Charlotte Holmes series for Brittany.
A solid 2.5 for me, I didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. I would, however, love to know what you think if you've read this!
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