Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⬜
Title: A River Enchanted (Elements of Cadence #1)
Author: Rebecca Ross
Genre: Fantasy
Setting: The Isle of Cadence
Month Read: February, 2022
Book Type: Hardcover
Publication: 2022
Publisher: Harper Voyager
Pages: 467
Death / Kidnapping / Murder
"We are the earth, the land. The tongue that speaks and trips on the names of the dead as it dares to tell these stories of a woman’s line. Her people and her dirt, her trees,"
No Spoiler Summary:
A River Enchanted is a fantasy novel that takes place on the Isle of Cadence after Jack is called back by the King after leaving the Isle almost a decade before to go to school to be a Bard. He's brought back to help his childhood foe, the Heiress, find village girls who have been going missing without a trace.
Jack and Adaira must appease the spirits (Water, Wind, Fire, and Earth) with his music to try to find out where, and how, the girls went missing. As their partnership continues, they grow closer and start putting their old feelings in the past. Jack is also on a search to figure out who his unknown Father is as secrets and plans begin to unravel the farther, and harder, they search.
I'm very glad I listened to my gut, and the great reviews, and got this book in my last Book of the Month box! I am not used to reading Adult Fantasy novels, but this book gripped me from the very beginning, and the British Isle location/lore drew me right in!
The stakes are high, you get just enough questions answered to both hold your interest and keep you wanting more, and there is *just* enough romance to not make it seemed super forced. As a musician, I am drawn to Jack and the incredible magic he possesses through his music. Adaira is a fair and just ruler, an Heiress of the People who is kind, but tough, and supposedly beautiful to boot. The side characters (Sidra, Torin, etc) keep the book going with mixed POV's.
If you believe what you read on the internet, we might be getting a sequel this year as well, and let me tell you that this cliffhanger leaves you BEGGING for more. A perfect crescendo of drama, revelations, and high stakes climb until the last sentence of the book. I'm so happy Book of the Month chose such a perfect fantasy novel, because they don't normally offer this genre, and it's definitely one I enjoy quite a bit.
The Crescent City Series by Sarah J. Maas
The Falling Kingdoms Series by Morgan Rhodes (YA)
"These are the incongruities of memory. It is hard to hold on to the entirety of something, but pieces may be held up to light."
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