Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⬜⬜
Title: The Good Part
Author: Sophie Cousens
Genre: Romance / Light Magical Realism (time travel)
Setting: England
Month Read: August 2023
Book Type: E-Arc
Publication: Nov 7, 2023
Publisher: G.P Putnam's Sons
Pages: 368
*Thank you to Netgalley and G.P Putnam's Sons for my advanced E-copy. It has in no way influenced this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Language / Misogyny / Alcohol
No Spoiler Summary (Goodreads):
At twenty-six, Lucy Young is tired. Tired of fetching coffees for senior TV producers, tired of going on disastrous dates, and definitely tired of living in a damp flat share with flatmates who never buy toilet roll. She could quit her job for a better living, but she's not ready to give up on her dreams. Not just yet. After another diabolical date lands her in a sudden storm and no money for bus fare, Lucy finds herself seeking shelter in a tiny shop, where she stumbles upon a curious wishing machine. Pushing her last coin into the slot, Lucy closes her eyes and wishes with everything she's got: Please, let me skip to the good part of my life.
When she wakes the next morning to a handsome man, a ring on her finger, a high-powered job, and storybook perfect little boy and baby girl, Lucy can't believe this is real--especially when she looks in the mirror, and staring back is her own forty-something face. Has she really skipped ahead to the future she's always wanted, or has she simply forgotten a huge chunk of her life? And as Lucy begins to embrace this new life and new relationships, she'll have to ask herself: Can she go back, and if so, does she want to?
I have loved Sophie Cousens' books in the past and was so excited to receive an ARC of her latest novel! I read it in about 2 days, and I realized a very fundamental thing about me, and that is that I don't like time travel plots. I had read this after reading a similar in theme, if not plot, book that also had some weird time travel going on and I just cannot let myself go and believe that this works for me. I don't know why, but other than the time travel I did like the book.
The male lead was (seemingly) great, and I loved the kids in the book. As a mom of 2 tiny tots myself, I found myself really laughing out loud at her very quick foray into motherhood, and how kids just don't care at all if you know what you're doing or not, as long as you do what they want you to do.
Is it me, or are there sooooo many romances and romance-adjacent novels set in London right now? I am sort of getting tired of the setting, to be honest, but I'm assuming this is just a right now trend, and we'll maybe get to explore some other locals in the future.
If you like 13 Going on 30, Freaky Friday, etc- this book would probably be a slam dunk for you. Again, I liked it, I just don't love time travel and it took me until this book to realize that- so I would totally tell people to give it a shot. If you haven't ready anything else by Sophie Cousens, I LOVED Just Haven't Met You Yet.
Just Haven't Met You Yet - Sophie Cousens
Someone Else's Shoes - Jojo Moyes